Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Looks whose on Diva's and Poppa's Christmas Tree

Dear Oscar,

Look whose tiny little hand is on our tree. Do you know whose hand this print belongs to?

It belongs to you big boy. Your very sweet momma and daddy made this very special ornament for me on your very first Christmas. It was hard to get you to open your hand up wide so it is very special to me.

I hope you will always have your hands open wide to receive all the wonderful gifts your Heavenly Father wants to give you. I hope we will always be there for you to hold your hand and let you know how much Diva and Poppa love you.

This hand print reminds me of a song I used to sing to your momma when she was a little girl.

It went like this:

Oh be careful little hands, what you do.
Oh be careful little hands, what you do.
For the Father up above is looking down
with look so be careful little hands what you do.

Thank you for being such a good big brother to baby Charlie. His hands are this small now and you can help him with your big brother hands.

We love you ,

Diva and Poppa

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