Saturday, January 16, 2021

Charlie's Black Belt


What a wonderful celebration today watching 10-year-old Charlie get his black belt at Olsen's Martial Arts.  He had a private celebration with his family and Diva and Poppa.  He has been waiting a long time because of Covid restriction but has persisted in his training with Zoom on-line lessons and private lessons.  He was able to show off all his skills.  I was amazed at how agile he is and graceful with his forms.  He spared with Oscar and actually knocked him on his bottom.  I later told Oz it was really nice of him to take a dive to make his brother look better.

We loved watching his kicks, twirls, confidence, and agility.  I was impressed by his ability to break a board with his hand and break the last one with his heel. He earned his black belt and was given two words...Determination and Patience both of which he displayed to earn his belt.

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