Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Oz's Advent Ribbon 2018


Oscar, I noticed that when Uncle Andy and Auntie Rachel came from Texas this summer that Lyra Jane was really overwhelmed by all of us.  You noticed too and quickly took her hand and led her to the office.  You grabbed a picture book and started reading to her.  She loved the attention from her big boy cousin and relaxed and was soon laughing and pointing to pictures.  That was thoughtful, loving, and kind of you.  You are an amazing young man.  Diva


Oscar, did you know that you have an “Oh Poppa” face?    This is it.  Poppa was telling you and your brothers a totally outrageous story.  Your face said it all.  He was hoping to get this reaction from you.  I still remember the little boy that would point to something that was broken and say, “Wick it Poppa...Oscar speak for“fix it, Poppa.”  Know that your Poppa and I love you very much.   Your Diva and Poppa


Oz, we love having you and your brothers come over to our house.  Do you remember counting coins out of Poppa’s change jar and using the money to buy groceries to give to the food pantry at church?  We loved watching you pick out all your favorite food for other boys and girls to enjoy.  You have a kind heart.  Diva




Oz,  I can not believe how flexible and “bendy” you are.  You love to freak me out with being double-jointed.  I also love your love for information and reading.  You are very much like your Poppa.  He loves pursuing knowledge.  Diva



Oscar,  I am very impressed that you know so much about Geography.  You did very well at the Geography Bee (tying for 3rd place is very impressive especially competing against 8th graders.)  We are so proud of you.  Diva


  Oscar, Poppa, and I love spending time with our “cookie monsters”.  We had fun decorating gingerbread with you and always look forward to being with your family for Christmas.  Diva and Poppa

Oscar,  I was so proud of you this summer helping paint at Interyear with your parents.  You are a very good helper and I love your willingness to work hard.  You are very generous with your time and a hard worker.   Diva




Oz, I can’t believe how quickly you are growing.  It seems like every time I see you that you have grown taller.  I am proud of you for journaling this past summer.  You have a very active imagination.  I liked your stories and your illustrations.  Keep writing it is a wonderful gift.  Diva



Poppa is so proud of his boys.  He is very happy that you are in scouting and he can be part of your pack.  Poppa loves to share his interests with you and likes when you help him sort his many screws, nuts, and bolts.  He is looking forward to teaching you woodworking on his new lathe.  Diva




Oscar, did you know that I can do the same forms you and your brothers do at

Olsens?  Your Diva is a water Ninja at water aerobics.  Diva the amazing.





Oz I love this picture of you watching the snow and the pure joy on your face.  It is my prayer that you will always be amazed and overjoyed by the beauty of nature and by our amazing Lord and Savior.  Mornings are better when you talk to God first.  Love you….Diva  




 Oz, I may not see you every day or talk to you every day, but I think of you and love you every day.  God is watching over you.  I know because I ask Him to.   Your Diva